No 102

On the reception of a letter from the Etonians (their holydays having commenced) challenging us to row them at Sunbury; we returned an answer to this purpose that we should be very happy to row them any distance within reach of Westminster; but that it would be quite impossible for us to go to the…

No 37

On Friday evening July 13 (1821) a rowing match took place between 2 four oard’s : The under-school of Grants having challenged the whole of the remaining under-school to row with them from Battersea Bridge to Westminster Br[idge]. The match was won with ease by the Grantites. The names of the rowers were as follows.…

No 13

A letter having been sent by the Etonians to Westminster; in which they challenged us to a rowing match, an answer was immediately returned stating our acceptance of the same, but at the same time informing them that the day which they had proposed to row us on, would be most inconvenient, as it unfortunately…