No 256

This year Eton did not send us any challenge to row them. Probably they did not challenge us because there was a great deal of scarlet fever in the school, which must have greatly hindered their rowing. Roberts had just built us a beautiful new boat, suited to our strength. And people who had seen…

No 241

This year, (1840) The Etonians sent us a challenge to row them from Westminster to Putney. Although the crew was not so good as it was the last time we were prevented from rowing them, yet we wished for the race. Knowing however, by past experience, that it was useless to attempt the race without…

No 233

The Head of the KS. Water having challenged the Head of the TB water to produce a four (the said four not being in the 6th or upper Shell) to equal the under election four, the following were chosen and went on to practice – Town boys (Stroke) Beasley (Scott’s) Hughes (Grant’s) Thomas (Bentall’s) Burton…

No 230

A challenge from Eton was sent to the Heads of the Water which was at first accepted, and everything determined on, but it was afterwards refused on the plea that we could not form a boat in readiness for the time appointed the match was therefore broken off. F Byron H.B.

No 229

This year the King College eight elated with some petty victories over small and insignificant clubs sent us a challenge which was of course never given the least attention to, the heads of the water merely saying that, as they never rowed London clubs they could not break the rule to row King’s College Vide…

No 221

In consequence of the Etonians having been defeated last year at Datchet Bridge they again challenged us to row them. The preliminaries having been all settled at the Eton Montem by the respective Heads of the Water, it was agreed by both parties that the Race should take place Tuesday July 31st (the Match day)…

No 199

Williamson having discovered that in the sculling match just mentioned the fellows had all rowed in boats which were not Robert’s immediately sent for the Captain (Richards) and for Somerton (Head of the TB) and told them that he was willing to forget what had happened if they would pledge themselves on the part of…

No 198

A sculling match took place between the 5 following T.B. and K.S. from Vauxhall to Putney they came in as follows 1. Somerton 2. Pollock Senr 3. Tritton 4. Merewether Senr 5. Turner Vide the Water Ledger Somerton H.B.