No 128

In consequence of the unusual severity of the season, and the prevalence of the Cholera Moribus in London, Williamson thought proper to put a stop to Ditch-Leaping both on the 1st and 17th of March by having names at the different Boarding-houses at 11 and 1 o’clock

No 100

Tho’ Ditch Leaping was prohibited by Goodenough last year, it was carried into effect as usual on the 1st and 17th of March (1829) the 1st the weather was so very severe that only five went, but on 17th a larger field assembled tho’ still few in number from the number out of school with…

No 87

It having come to Goodenough’s ears by some means or other unknown to us, that the fellows loitered about the Red House both previous to and after going a Ditch Leaping and that one or two fellows indulged rather freely in Spirituous liquors he had thought fit to forbid Ditch leaping but it is to…