No 350

The Westminsters rowed in a four at Richmond. 1. Steward 2. Parratt 3. Williams 4. Barkers – Burton Coxs And also at Mortlake 1. Armitstead 2. Steward 3. Williams 4. Barken – Burton Coxs in the first of which matches they were beaten through their breaking their rudder string & being fouled and in the…

No 348

On Thursday, July 27th, the match with Eton took place from Barker’s Rails to Putney Bridge. The eight were trained by Noulton, by whom the outrigger was also built. The course was rowed over by the Etonians, the winners, in 25 minutes & 50 seconds, beating the Westminsters by 1 minute + 30 seconds. The…

No 344

I think it best to state here that seeing the low number of boys in the school a time ago & not anticipating the change of Master which has taken place, I have completed a copy of this Ledger (which was for that purpose begun by Joseph Preston our late Head TB) for my private…

No 328

The Etonians being anxious to regain their lost laurels of last year sent us a friendly chalenge to row them again this year which we readily accepted, and having obtained Williamson’s leave which he kindly gave us very readily we commenced training under our old friend Noulton and after several attempts ineffectual to fix the…

No 314

Tuesday July 29th 1845 was marked by an event which I feel sure will be remembered, after what passed last year, with sincere pleasure by every Westminster as long as the School shall exist. I mean the Boat Race between Eton & Westminster which took place on that day & terminated in favour of the…

No 264

The race did accordingly take place on Tuesday July 26th & in spite of the quarrels I am happy to say the Westminster were victorious.  The Water Ledger will furnish the enquiringly reader with every particular of that most interesting day. W.G. Andrewes Prin. Opp. All Queen’s Scholars rowed in this match.

No 229

This year the King College eight elated with some petty victories over small and insignificant clubs sent us a challenge which was of course never given the least attention to, the heads of the water merely saying that, as they never rowed London clubs they could not break the rule to row King’s College Vide…