No 283

A servant at Grant’s (by name Henry Gillingham) having secreted a Racquet from L.A. Cramer G.S. then a senior for a considerable time (nearly 2 months) he one day offered it to me, & afterwards to another T.B. in his own name for sale; saying it was his own & naming 5 Shillings as the…

No 281

Soon after the Bartholomewtide Holidays a fellow by name G.O. Edwards, being detected smoking in a Tobacconists shop by Williamson, he was accordingly put down 4 places in his Election, & also received a long imposition. Several other instances have late by occurred; the first on record is, I believe, No 103 of this Ledger.…

No 280

It is usual when any of the Royal Family die, or any of the Masters of Westminster; as has long been the custom, to defer the play untill the following year. But although the Duke of Sussex died this year before Whitsundtide, the Play (Phormio) was prepared as usual – and acted extremely well. Nov.13th…

No 278

Nov 9th being the birthday of the Prince of Wales a holiday was generally expected, & one was given – But – There were to be Lock hours between 10 & 11 o’clock in the morning inclusive; also between 2 & 5 as usual; & by way of a compensation no leave out was granted.…

No 276

It having been for some time in contemplation to abolish the breeches of the Q.S. & to institute trousers in their place an order to that effect was after Whitsuntide issued by Dr Turton Dean of Westminster. The colours specified were, as I understood any thing between black & white but this was of course…

No 274

The following was the list of the Sixth after Whitsuntide 1843 – J. Preston *G. Gillett *J. French R. Preston *E. Colquhoun Those marked with a * are Home Boarders Conf. No 15 of this Ledger No 2 & No 28