No. 230

Several scholarships have been gained lately to the school. L. R. Holme a History Scholarship at Jesus E. H. Marsh a Schol: at Trinity Camb. A. J. G. Campbell an Exhibition — F. J. Varley a Schol: at Oriel Oxford R.R. Howlett a school at Christ’s Camb.                                                                                           F. Urch. Prin. Opp.

No. 229

The mission offertory on Feb 2 amounted to £16. 15s, which the HM up to £21.                                                                                           F. Urch. Prin. Opp.

No. 228

Mr Lenox Conyngham has left us and gone to Fettes where he was under Mr. Heard as a housemaster. His place has been taken by Mr. Michell of Sherborne & Corpus Christ Oxford.                                                                                           F. Urch. Prin. Opp.

No. 227

The Play this year was the Adelphi, which was acted in College Dormitory on Dec 11th, 15th & 17th. The cast was as follows: –  Micio             D. Shearme  Demea           A. L. Longhurst  Sannio             L. F. Wintle  Aeschinus        R. Balfour  Syrus               J. S. Phillimore  Ctesipho          J. S. Shearme  Sostrata           B.…

No. 226

The following OWW have been called to the bar:-  Inner Temple – P. M. Francke            Ba Oxon  Middle Temple – M. H. M. T. Pigott   Ba Oxon                                  H. P. Lowe               Ba Oxon  F. Urch. Prin. Opp. 

No 249

S.C. Woodhouse has obtained a first in mods while H.C. Barnes, S.H. Force, F. Street & H.J. Whitaker got seconds.                                                                                           F. Urch. Prin. Opp.