No. 250

E. L. Thomas has won a Welsh scholarship at Jesus Cambridge, value £80.                                                                                           F. Urch. Prin. Opp.

No 249

S.C. Woodhouse has obtained a first in mods while H.C. Barnes, S.H. Force, F. Street & H.J. Whitaker got seconds.                                                                                           F. Urch. Prin. Opp.

No. 248

The sixes in Green have been won by F.B. Sherrings team, who defeated F.E. Campbell’s VI by 1 goal to love after a drawn game (2-2).                                                                                           F. Urch. Prin. Opp.

No. 247

The fives ties have been won by A.J Agar & A.L Longhurst, the Junior by H.E.J Agar & R. Druman. The Racquets by E.G. Burton.                                                                                           F. Urch. Prin. Opp.

No. 246

The Elevens have been made up as follows. Pinks Pink & whites 3rd XI A.L.Longhurst Q.S E.A. Gates T.B H.D. Everington T.B H.R. Blaker T.B J. Langton T.B R.R Campbell T.B C.G.Page T.B S. Rye T.B E.H. Cox Q.S F.B. Sherring Q.S P.C. Knapp Q.S M.E. Fevez T.B J.O. Powell T.B R.F. Doherty T.B E.G.…

No. 245

I append the results of the football matches this term. Played 8, won 2 lost 4 drawn 2 Goals for 25 against 21                          v AG Olivers XI scratched                              v Clapham Rovers Lost 0 1                          v Old Wykehamists Lost 2 3                          v Ch. Ch Oxford Won 6 0                         v…

No. 244

The House Matches HBB beat Grants 2-1 after an extra half hour. For Grants Campbell was in splendid form. Rigauds (holders) beat HBB 5-1. Goals for Rigauds  by W.F. Davey (3) & E.A. Gates (2)& by Showbridge for HBB. Hollocombe & Blaker were invaluable behind for the winners & the forwards were very well together.…

No. 243

Westminster V Charterhouse played at Godalming on Feb. 28 resulting after a very exciting match in a draw (2-2). Our goalkeeper was changed at the last minute, E.V. Allen taking the place of Langton, & fully justifying his selection by his play. It was to a great extent owing to his coolness that we were…

No. 242

F. Street played for Oxford v Cambridge (footer) & H.B. Willett played back for Oxford v Cambridge, v  E.L. Clapham for & E. Battersby for the South v North of England at Hockey.                                                                                           F. Urch. Prin. Opp.

No. 241

It was decided at a meeting of the Mission Committee, held on Feb 27, to elect four new members, one from each House & one from College, in addition to those already on it, viz School Monitors & Heads of Houses.                                                                                           F. Urch. Prin. Opp.