No. 261

The house matches Grants beat H.B.B. by an innings & 81 Rigauds beat Grants – 76 runs Grants 60 7 92 Riguads 112 & 116 The victory of Riguads was almost entirely due to the splendid all round play of E. Berens & H.R. Blaker. The former of whommade 39 & 13 & got 9…

No. 260

The Phillimore essay has been won by A. L. Longhurst Q.S.                                                                                           F. Urch. Prin. Opp.

No. 259

O. Roos obtained a 1st in Jurisprudences J. J. Stirling — 1st in classical Tripos J. Blakerey — 2nd  —  —————                                                                                           F. Urch. Prin. Opp.

No. 258

C.J.B. Hurst & G.W. Grant-Wilson were high up in the 2nd class of the Law Tripos.                                                                                           F. Urch. Prin. Opp.

No. 257

W. Winter Q.S. & C.M. Barker Q.S. have kindly presented boards of the Cricket XI’s of 1861 & 62 respectively.                                                                                          F. Urch. Prin. Opp.

No. 256

P. Williamson, last years captain, has just obtained a House scholarship.                                                                                           F. Urch. Prin. Opp.

No. 255

A new school paper has appeared under the title of “Pen & Brush.” It is illustrated & some of the pictures are very good , but the letter press is very poor. At present I do not believe it paid is expenses. Certainly the second number (which by the way contained an advertisement of Hymns…

No. 254

The games committee made a rule by which any fellow may wear a straw hat during the cricket season, with a hand corresponding to the colours he is allowed to wear.                                                                                             F. Urch. Prin. Opp.

No. 253

The mission offertory amounted to £16.10.11s which the Head Master’s subscription raised £20.15.0.                                                                                           F. Urch. Prin. Opp.

No. 251

H. C. Blaker has kindly presented a challenge cup for the Form matches at Cricket.                                                                                           F. Urch. Prin. Opp.