No. 171

The Ireland prizes were awarded last term as follows Greek verse S. Liberty. Latin Prize E. N. Marsh. Bible Knowledge. Senior G.G.S. Gillet & H.C. Jonas (equal) Junior J.D. Miller.                                                                                                S. C. Woodhouse Prin. Opp.

No. 170

In the senior fives ties were won by Agar and A.G. Clark the Juvin by S.H. Gregory & Helder. The senior gymnasium competition was won by R.E. Olivier the Junior ended & drew between Hurst & Evrington.                                                                                                S. C. Woodhouse Prin. Opp.

No. 169

The football elevens have been filled up as follows I                                                       II                                                     III F. Street                                        P.J. Preece                                     A.J.N. Brookes E.A. Everington                             H.L. Stephenson                          J.S. Shearme R.O. Mills                                      A.R. Knapp                                    A.W.H. Guy J. Gifford                                       P. Armitage                                  E.H. Winslow G.L. Eduardo                                 G.D. Shattock                              G.E.S. Campbell R.E. Olivier                                    H.J. Whitaker                                 J. Hollocombe E.W. Woodbridge                        G. H. Gregory                                J.H.…

No. 168

TBB   E.A. Everington (goal) R.O. Millis & W. V. Doherty (backs) J.G. Gifford & C.H. Gregory & G.O. Shattock (half-backs) G.L. Edwards & S.H. Gregory (left wing) E.W. Woodbridge (centre) A.G. Clark & J.A. Willett (right wing ) forwards. Q.S.S.   R.W. Knox (goal) H.D. Whitaker & J.H. Clarke (backs) J.S. Shearme  P.W. Williamson & H.B.…

No. 167

In the school matches Home-boarders won the shield beating Rigauds by 6-0 & Grants by 4-0. In the T.B.B & Q.S.S. match ended in a draw neither side scoring anything. The following were the elevens.                                                                                               S. C. Woodhouse Prin. Opp.

No. 166

The following is the result of the matches for this term                                                            Lost                         Won Old Harrovians                                   4                             2 Casuals                                               3                            0 Ashburnham Rovers                         1                              1 Ch. Ch. Oxon                                       4                             8 Crusaders                                            4                             2 Clapham Rovers                                  1                             4 Old Etonians                                        5                             2 Charterhouse                                       8                             0 Old Wykemists                                     3                             0                                                                                             S.…

No. 165

There was an “Exeat” this term from 12:30 March 8th to 9 a.m. March 12th. In consequence of which the usual “Half “ on St David’s day was not given, but amalgamated in the Exeat.                                                                                         S. C. Woodhouse Prin. Opp.

No. 164

On March 5th (shrove Tuesday) was enacted the meaningless apology for the defunct pancake “Greeze”. The so called seventh refused to countenance the proceeding by and abstaininged from electing a representative.                                                                                            S. C. Woodhouse Prin. Opp.

No. 163

R.O. Mills . J. Gifford . G.L. Edwards & R.E. Olivier received their “Pinks” in that order.                                                                                               S. C. Woodhouse Prin. Opp.

No. 162

On Saturday March 2nd the football match was played against Charterhouse at Godalming. The result was that we lost by 8 love. This disastrous result is in great measure attributable to the abominable ground on which the match was played. The following were the teams Charterhouse H.L. Vogel (goal)   W.H. Wakefield  J.H. Littledale (backs)   H.F.…