No. 165
The Greek Iambic Prize was gained by E. Mee (T. B.) who also took it last year, so the second fellow Otter Brindy (Q. S.) got half the prize. A.P. Hill.
The Greek Iambic Prize was gained by E. Mee (T. B.) who also took it last year, so the second fellow Otter Brindy (Q. S.) got half the prize. A.P. Hill.
The T. B. and Q. S. football match resulted in favour of the latter. Played March 6 AP. Hill.
Feb. 27 (Tuesday) being the day of the Thanksgiving Service for the recovery of the Prince of Wales there was a whole holiday; so also was March 1. when Sir W. Wyne as usual came down. On the 7th of March too there was a half holiday West having obtained a first in Classics at…
The pancake was thrown by the cook’s son this year. It went over the bar & fell amongst the Upper Fifth desks but came to pieces in the grease so no one got the guinea. APH.
In consequence of the illness of the Prince of Wales the ‘First Play’ was postponed till the last Tuesday of the term, consequently there were only two instead of three nights. The ‘Andria’ was acted. AP Hill
This term some very interesting lectures on heat have been given by Mr Tomlinson; there is to be an Examination in it and special prizes given for it at Xmas. A. P. Hill.
In consequence of some purling & greasing at School steps in coming down school, in which some small fellow got hurt, a rule has been made that the Sixth shall go down first after second & afterwards schools. How long this will remain in force is doubtful, a similar rule was made a term or…
H.W. Jermyn, and old Westminster, having been appointed Bishop of Colombo we received a half holiday on Nov. 23. when the football match between Grants and Rigauds was played, which resulted in each catching a goal. R. P. McKeand kicked the one for Grants. A P Hill
The Athletics came off on Oct. 17th and 18th, the weather fortunately was fine & there were a good number of spectators – Vidal (R. S.) took the mile in 5. M. 14 S. being an improvement on last year by 6 secs; he also carried off most of the Challenge Cups. Mrs Scott gave…
Some confusion having been caused by Scott’s rules about the distribution of prizes at the Athletics; which rules were made last year, at the request of the Committee he altered them & made the following:- No Boy to take more than two first prizes. Any Boy losing a first prize under this rule to claim…