No. 175

A sad calamity fell upon us yesterday (Wednesday 20th Nov 1872). J. Harvey a TB in the Upper Shell up Rigauds incautiously played in the football match v the Norwood club last Saturday, having at the time an absess on his right elbow, after the match he showed no sign of pain & attended Abbey…

No. 174

The match this year between Grants & Rigauds was a very hollow affair & resulted in a victory for the former house by 13 goals to 0. The football eleven has been very successful this year as yet, there have been 5 matches of which we have won 4 against the Gitanos (3 goals to…

No. 173

The Athletics came off on Thursday & Friday the 17th & 18th of October. In spite of the miserable weather they were carried on with great spirit, the first day was favourable till just the end when there was some rain, but the second day it rained almost incessantly. H. Vidal (Q.S) carried off the…

No. 172

There was no Charterhouse match this year on account of that school being moved to Godalming, so instead we played the M.C.C at Lords & were beaten in the first innings by over 200 runs. The disgraceful conduct of some of the younger townboys present at this match must not be passed over without mention.…

No. 171

The T.B & Q.S cricket match took place last half at Vincent Square, when the former won by 9 wickets. Dury got the townboy score with 45 runs. Rawson got the Q.S score with runs. The following is a list of the elevens. T.B.                                                                                            Q.S. H. S. Jackson W. S. Rawson C. P. McKeand F.…

No. 170

In the absence of Hill (through illness) I make the following entries. H.F.G Bramwell (H.B. Rigauds) got an open scholarship at Lincoln College Ox., he was fourth out of 52 candidates; it is to be hoped that this together with Mee’s scholarship will have the effect of raising the numbers at Westminster. H.J. Roberts Head…

No. 169

The T. B. & Q. S. boatrace was rowed this year, the TB’s won by 2 lengths. For particulars see the Water Ledger. H J Roberts For a long time we have been very anxious to have the rowing again established here and (though a great many objections were raised as to the distance we…

No. 166

E. Mee (T. B. Rigauds) got an open scholarship at Corpus Oxf; this is the first open scholarship that has been gained by the school for a very long time (if ever before). We had a holiday on the Sat. before Easter Passion week for this honour so that we were able to go the…