No. 301

Last term there were elected to School Exhibitions- J.B. Hodge —– Bp Thomas W.S. Benbow —– Bp Smallwell R.H. Coke —– Bp Williams H.T. Clarke —– Ld Burleigh T.W. Bain —– W. Titley S.A. Bird —– F.W. Sharpe

No. 300

Football The Charterhouse match was lost this year by 2 goals to 0. Our fellows were at rather a disadvantage owing their having to play with a much smaller ball than they are accustomed to, which puzzled our backs very much. The match was played at Charterhouse this year. In the T.B.B. Q.S.S. we lost by 2…

No. 297

One of the masters C. H. H. Cheyne who has been unwell for a long time has become much worse and been obliged to give up his post of Under Mathematical Master. A general subscription (voluntary) has been raised with which to make him some present on his leaving us, and we have been able…

No. 296

I had rather a disagreeable row about a tanning. I found a fellow at courts without leave and so tanned him. Jones heard of it and showed up to Scott who would not hear of courts being out of bounds. Next morning I went to Scott’s with Captain and a monitor to speak about it…

No. 295

The Sports came off at the beginning of this term on the 11th & 12th September. The weather on the first was, as usual, as bad as it could well be. The second day was luckily much better and a good many visitors were present. The prizes were given away by Mrs Scott up fields.…

No. 294

During last holidays we were all startled by the news that the captain H. K. Rogers has committed suicide, No reason for his doing so seems to be forthcoming and I think that we are fully justified in believing that it was the result of an accident. Scott and Ingram seized upon it as an…