No 463
This last season Liddell declared he would allow no more match bats at the TB & QS match, as James had told him that they increased the bills so much. C.G. Lane Prin. Opp.
This last season Liddell declared he would allow no more match bats at the TB & QS match, as James had told him that they increased the bills so much. C.G. Lane Prin. Opp.
I omitted mentioning last half that Hose (the new Mathematical Master) had lately been ordained on the strength of having published a new and very complicated edition of Euclid. C.G. Lane Prin. Opp.
I have not put in the races or anything about our cricket matches as they are all recorded in full in their respective Ledgers. C.G. Lane Prin. Opp.
The Lamprobatick Match was played last week in which the TB were victorious as usual by 1 inning and several runs. C.G. Lane Prin. Opp.
I received a challenge from Charterhouse the other day in which Parish, the Captain of the Charterhouse Eleven said that they were anxious to gain their lost laurels, which I answered to the following effect, that as the Old Westminsters were for the most part averse to the match it was not possible to continue…
On Saturday the 25th of Novr we had an early Play for the Busby Trustee dinner, which early Play was brought over from last Term- John Gray Pr. Opps.
This year the Eleven engaged the services of James Lilly to train them, he having bought them on so much two years before, we gave him gave him 3 pounds a week; he was not able to stay with us more than a month, so we were obliged to have Bentley to make up the…
Liddell called us into the Library the other morning before breakfast together with the Monitors to let us know the real statistics of an occurrence which had come to his ears through the medium of James. It appeared that some 4 or 5 small Town Boys in the Fourth had persuaded several of their companions…
We received a challenge from Eton the other day in which Standing, the Captain of the Eton Boats, said that their Head Master did not object to the race between the two schools being continued, and he felt sure that if Liddell could consent a race might be brought about. Our Eight however, feeling certain…
The list of the Sixth Form after Whitsuntide was: C.G. Lane J. Gray Southey Shipworth J. Morton B.B. C.G. Lane Prin. Opp.