No. 90

The Foot-ball Eleven was made up soon after the Athletic Sports, being as follows. T. Dixon. Capt. QS. West. QS. Bovill. QS. A G. Lee TB. du Pré. QS. W. E Eastwich TB. H. Grant’s E. Miller T. B. H. Bickmore Q.S. E. Lee T. B. C. Smith T. B. Curteis T.B. We played Charterhouse…

No. 89

The Athletic Sports took place on th October 1866. The mile was won by T. C. Smith T. B. Grant’s. 2. W. T. Dixon Q. S. 3. Penniger Q. S. in 5 mins. 18 secs. Smith ran very well indeed, coming in with a fine spurt. There were two town Boys in the sixth this…

The T. B. + Q.S cricket match was played on the 6th of August as the first day was wet, + was won by the T. B. by 4 wickets. Worthcote Q. S. won the wickets + Carters T. B. the ball. The Q. S. scored 125 + 91, + the T. B. 159 +…

No. 86

“Shrove Tuesday” This year the Cook repeated his now annual offence. We however did not book him, but simply turned away in contempt and there was no “grease”. Scott was much exasperated and was determined to let the Cook get a Substitute next year. S F Lucas Prin. Opp.

No. 85

No 85 There are four Town Boys in the sixth, two of whom will compete for the Tripletts J F Lucas  H.B. Grant’s F Pownall  H.B. E Oliver  H. Grant’s W E Barnes  H. Rigo’s S F Lucas         Prin. Opp.

No. 82

The Etonians sent their usual challenge for the 15th Decr which was the night of the Last Play. We had therefore to postpone the Match until the 20th, when the Etonians were only able to bring down 8 of their Eleven, with three other present Etonians. We had decidedly the best of it as we…