No 312

It may perhaps appear a trivial & needless circumstance for me to mention here yet as I have frequently heard the point contested & still remain unanswered I may as well add here what I ought rightly to have inserted higher up viz that to settle the point it was resolved this year that when…

No 310

On May 27th being the day on which the Queens Birthday was kept (& which had generally fallen in the Whitsuntide Holidays, but did no this year owing to their early commencement) the Sixth had leave up Town in the Evening to see the illuminations.

No 308

During the Whitsuntide Holidays on ___ died Dr. E. Goodenough formerly Head Master of Westminster at his own Deanery, Wells, in Somersetshire. He dropped down dead whilst walking round his grounds with one of his younger sons W. Goodenough then at Westminster in the Fourth Form. He left a large family.

No 305

An event happened this year, which I feel confident has never had a parallel here -viz. this Dr. Williamson having mentioned at the election of 1844 that the Electors were dissatisfied with the examinations of the Major Candidates, afterwards informed the two Head Third Election Q.S. that the Electors wished to see what the Q.S.…