No. 292

Westminster & Charterhouse 1876 For Cricket matches considered from a Cricket or scientific point of view, the Cricket ledger is undoubtedly the proper place. Other views of the game, the social aspects, & such matters find more fitting place here. On Saturday July 22 1876, The Eleven left Waterloo by the 8.10 train am, but…

No. 291

Lamprobatics resulted this term in an easy victory for town boys, this being generally the case. Some disappointed QSS writes to the Elizabethan & says ‘it isn’t fair’. We don’t see why not. For particulars of this match & other matches played this term vis. MCC, I Zingari, Lords & Commons, Charterhouse, etc vide Cricket…

No. 290

On Wednesday July 26th the TB & QS boat race was rowed & won by the latter. A mistake was made on our part, in putting 3 Cricket fellows in the Right for the race, which was doubtlessly owing to the superintendence being in the hands of the ‘Cox’ of the Eight who couldn’t be…

No. 289

Owning to the Pigheadedness of the Captain of Water, the Richmond day, when a Cricket Eight, 2 boating eights, & an Old Westminster eight go up to Richmond & dine was not observed this year. It is needless to add the Captain of Water was a Queen’s Scholar anxious to let everybody know that he…

No. 287

Cricket has not been flourishing this term. Almost all the matches played have been lost and it becomes more & more manifest day by day that Cricket & Boating cannot both live at Westminster. From the small number of 200 there are not sufficient fellows for both. One must go to the wall. That Cricket…

No. 286

Green seems to afford a constant source of occupation to Workmen without anything to do. In the Easter term it presented the appearance of a Barley field. This term at the beginning it appeared like a bad crop of grass, & now the grass has been destroyed & they have raked the surface afresh. Some…

No. 285

Two cricket matches have been played this term against foreign clubs. On Wednesday Curteis brought down a team. & On Wednesday Mantle got up a scratch Eleven. For particulars see T.B. Cricket Ledger. G.A. Hicks Prin. Opp

No. 284

The TBB in the Sixth this term are- G.A. Hicks S Maxwell P.J.C. Randolph & accordingly these three are the Town boy monitors. Scott has instituted a new regulation, that everyone delegated with authority should sign his name publicly in school. This rule has come into force this term for the first time.

No. 283

Bristowe, the late Head Town boy has left a considerable Gap in the Ledger, & though by so doing he lays himself open to considerable censure, the fact that he was writing hard for Election afford some justification for his neglect.