No 130

On Tuesday evening, May 15: 1832, a rowing match took place between the four houses, Singleton’s having challenged all the others: the distance was from Battersea Bridge to Westminster, it was won after a closely contested race by Stelfox’s, their boat being about two boats’ lengths ahead of Singletons: Stikeman’s came in last. The names…

No 128

In consequence of the unusual severity of the season, and the prevalence of the Cholera Moribus in London, Williamson thought proper to put a stop to Ditch-Leaping both on the 1st and 17th of March by having names at the different Boarding-houses at 11 and 1 o’clock

No 127

The Cholera Morbus having made its appearance in Lambeth, and along the Banks of the Thames, Williamson gave notice to the fellows, that they would not be permitted to go on the water, till such time as he should give further order. J.R. Cornish Head Boarder

No 108*

It must be remarked that this was changed again by Williamson in 1832 when the Revd WC Totton resigned the place of usher, and the Under and Upper Shell were again joined under one Usher and the other forms again sat in their proper places. Added Dec 13th 1832 by Rob Hy Hurst H.B.